Owl Sightings: Appearances

I've got a busy schedule over the next few months, so here is a list of where you can find me. Updates will be posted here. 



14-16th WHEN WORDS COLLIDE: SFF Convention, Calgary :Panelist

19-23th SASQUAN (WorldCon/Hugo Awards), Spokane Adventures in Sci-Fi Pulbishing is a Hugo nominee. Brent Bowen, Tim Ward, and I will all be there. 

24th STOMP VS ROMP at the Book Nympho and Parajunkee: It's the paranormal romance leads against the action/adventure urban fantasy protagonists. Who will emerge victorious?

28-31th PENNY ARCADE EXPO (PAX), Seattle - Video and table top games. Need I say more? This is a fun one so make sure to ping me if you are attending. I'll aim for a meetup as interest dictates...and possibly a game of D&D...


27th WORD READING FESTIVAL, VPL Vancouver: I'll be reading with all sorts of other authors from Western Canada. It's fun and FREE so stop by!


1-4th VCON SFF CONVENTION, Vancouver : I'm a panelist of the writing and SFF panels. A great and affordable convention for fans and aspiring writers alike in Vancouver. 

8-11th NEW YORK COMICON : This will be a fun one! Its the release week for OWL AND THE CITY OF ANGELS so I'll be out and about at the Gallery/S&S booth. Stay tuned for more events around NYComicon.



22nd 4pm NW SF AUTHORFEST 9, Portland: This is a FREE, fun meet and greet at Powells Bookstore in Beaverton, Oregon where 25-30 authors come to chat, mingle, and sign books. It falls right after the Orycon convention. A great way to discover new favorite authors.

Copyright 2021 Kristi Charish.  All thieves will be fed to zombies.