Small things in unprecedented times...

Well, we’ve certainly seen the world change over the past few weeks and, unless you live under a rock, chances are good your day to day life has also changed in what feels like little more than a blink of an eye.

We are in the middle of a pandemic the likes of which we haven’t seen in over 100 years and, hopefully, won’t see for another 100. Between the rampant acts of Hamsterkaufe occurring at grocery stores everywhere (the act of buying random things in a panic resembling a hamster madly stuffing its cheeks), and Canada’s TP gate (dudes, Canada MAKES the TP)… Well, my natural tendency is to grasp for the dark humour, sarcasm, and my own brand of facetiousness. But even those defense mechanisms ring hollow against the massive and very real changes we are seeing in each and everyone of our cities.

It’s a small thing, practically inconsequential under the shadow of worldwide quarantine - but I have audiocodes for Voodoo Shanghai. If you, or someone you know, would have their day brightened by a free audiobook (full disclosure- murder, mystery, zombies, and ghosts), please let me know or send them my way.

Keep safe. Don’t panic. Be kind to your neighbors. Help those who need it when/if you can spare it.

And, for the love of whatever God you fancy, please wash your hands.

Now, while the world temporarily turns upside down, time to try this living room yoga life with my trusty companion.


Voodoo Shanghai

It’s been a crazy six months. The third book in a series is always hard, and Kincaid 3 is no exception. Huge kudos goes to my amazing editor Amanda Betts at Random House Canada for helping me drag this manuscript into a suitably ‘strange’ Kincaid state. We’re off to copy edit imminently and have a cover!

ShanghaiVoodoo-r1-1 (1).jpg

Copyright 2021 Kristi Charish.  All thieves will be fed to zombies.