The Science of Competence (AKA: Dunning-Kruger)
You know when it looks so easy, you’re convinced you could do it on the first try? You may be in the first stages of a Dunning-Kruger experience.
I had absolutely every intention of posting all about slime molds this week – how we should all be incorporating slime molds into our murder investigations because they are that cool.
Instead, current events (coordinating military strikes over group chats anyone?) demand thatI spend some time going over the science of competence. Happen to be designing characters who need a flawed expertise that’s convincing? You’ve come to the right place.
The Science of Dunning-Kruger (DK): When we’re so dumb we’re convinced we’re a genius.
Recently tried something new and think you’re a genius at it? Maybe, but you could be experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
By now, everyone on the planet pretty well has heard about the military strike on Yemen that the USA used an unsecured ‘group chat’ to organize their battle plans (apparently complete with emojis too!). There’s certainly some mud on people’s face, but could we be looking at some good ol’ Dunning-Kruger in real time (DK)?.
The DK phenomenon (named after psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger) was coined in 1999, and basically what it describes in simplest terms is a cognitive bias. What they noticed was that there is a trend for people with low competence in a particular area (note: not low intelligence) tend to… overestimate their abilities. A LOT. Think of when you watch an Olympic event, like skating. The figure skaters make it look so damn easy that someone sitting in an armchair all of a sudden becomes, well, an expert. Or even an instance where you’ve maybe begun a new hobby (like writing a novel) and start off thinking that this is a piece of cake! What are all these writer’s complaining about? You’ll be on the NYT list in no time!
I mean, they make it look so darn easy. How hard could it really be?
Though we all like to giggle at a fictional character (or politician) who’s convinced they’re good at something they aren’t, there a serious and dark flip side to the DK coin; that people with HIGH competence may UNDERESTIMATE their relative expertise.
Author’s and female CEOs often talk about feeling imposter syndrome; the overpowering sense that they aren’t as qualified as they really are. That can be catastrophic in the real world and in fiction. Where someone who doesn’t understand a concept (like, say measles and herd immunity) but is convinced they know best confidently speaks over the scientists in the room who may start to ask themselves, is there something they know I don’t?
Confidence does not a doctor make. I’d rather have the person who spent 4 years in med school and admits they don’t know everything helping make my medical choices, not the one who ‘read a really cool article’ over the weekend.
The third aspect of Dunning-Kruger is metacognition, your ‘thinking’ abilities. It’s essentially your inclination to asses and challenge your own assumptions about your skill. For example, a few weeks ago I got on a pair of ice skates after years, falsely assuming that I’d be able to skate just like when I was a kid.
I was woefully wrong.
I reassessed my assumptions about my skill and as a result signed up for adult skating lessons.
Now, it was relatively easy to asses that I was wrong about my skating skills. I could not complete my task (skating to the centre of the rink… or anywhere). But there are other topics and areas – politics, military planning, espionage – where assessing whether you’ve been successful is…trickier, nebulous. I’m of the opinion that this is where Dunning-Kruger becomes outright dangerous, when the most confident person in the room who’s convinced they’re an expert… has no meaningful way to assess whether they’re any good at it.
How does all this fit into story and writing? Well, side characters, main characters, villains – when you’re designing believable people, keeping in mind that the one who is the most certain they’re right, may not be capable of knowing how woefully wrong they are can certainly help throw a wrench in a murder mystery turn around, or in a political thriller.
Also, that for character to grow believably (like we do in RL), the pursuit of life-long learning, seeking out feedback, and reassessment are priceless traits. Oh, and a little humility goes a long way too.
Just wait! You’ll see me on the NYT bestseller list in no time!
TL;DR Dunning Kruger
Overestimation of ability by someone who is not particularly skilled.
Underestimation by highly skilled individuals. Perhaps less likely to correct those who keep shouting how right they are? Perhaps there’s something they don’t know?
That same low competence individual who grades themselves highly lacks the metacognitive (thinking) skills necessary to accurately assess their own abilities.
As skill goes up, confidence goes down (theoretically) as one becomes aware of their limitations, and (gradually) increases again with genuine skill development.