Kincaid Strange Book Launch: May 11th
In the Vancouver area? Like your urban fantasy with a side of zombies and grunge ghosts? Have I got a book launch for you!
In the Vancouver area? Like your urban fantasy with a side of zombies and grunge ghosts? Have I got a book launch for you!
Had a very meta Saturday morning when I opened my email and saw OWL AND THE CITY OF ANGELS listed as Amazon's Kindle Daily Deal. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome surprise - The Kindle Daily Deal does wonders for a new authors career - and I'm flattered that this is the second time they've featured me.
BONUS: The audible version narrated by Christy Carlson is ALSO on sale for 3.49$. If you like audio books she does an amazing job!
Amazon Princess for a Day! In the famous words of Xena: Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiai!
...Ok, maybe not so secret. The Voodoo Killings, the first book in my Kincaid Strange UF/mystery series is officially out May 10th - BUT, if you are in Vancouver you can grab a copy early at:
Author's for Indies, Sat April 30th: A Canada wide event where authors sell the books at Canadian indie bookstores. Central City Black Bond Books (10153 King George Boulevard, Surrey) and UBC Bookstore (6200 University Blvd, Vancouver) will both be carrying early copies of The Voodoo Killings and as a bonus each store will be carrying books (by other authors!) I highly recommended.
Creative Ink Writer's Festival, May 6th-8th: A new writer's festival where I'll have early copies of The Voodoo Killings for sale in the dealers rooms.
Hope to see Vancouver folks at one of these events! And remember, there is always the Book Launch, May 11 at the VPL Downtown, 7pm-8:30. Brain candies will be on hand.
As some of you may have seen, the cover for OWL AND THE ELECTRIC SAMURAI is finally up. I'm a fan of the colour scheme. Let me know what you think! The release date is August 22nd for the ebook and audible, and early 2017 for the physical.